torstai 5. joulukuuta 2013

Thai-teatteri: Khon Kumphakan.

Tänään on Thaimaan kuninkaan syntymäpäivä. Kansallinen vapaapäivä ja isäinpäivä. Meille tämä päivä oli hyvä mahdollisuus kulttuuririentoihin. Menimme katsomaan traditionaalista Khon-tanssiteatteria. Bangkoissa on Khon-teatteri, mutta nyt on menossa erityisohjelma kulttuuritalolla. Vaikea kuvitella mitään thailaisempaa:  Täysin oma taiteenlajinsa, musiikki ja elekieli. Myös tarinat sisällöiltään eroavat paljon länsimaalaisista juonikuvioista, kuten tämä tämänkertainenkin (nöyrästi tunnustan tarvisevani vielä kulttuuritulkkia):
"Kumphakan, the king of giant, Totsakan’s brother. He is a kindest person and never thought about betraying. After Totsakan’s grandson Maiyarap passed away, he is only thinking about the battle with King Rama. Then he invite his borther Kumphakan for assist and advise him to fight. However, Kumphakan think differently when he realized all problems are raised from Totsakan kidnapped King Rama’s wife Sita. Totsakan is mad about it and expelling Kumphakan out of the empire.

Kumphakan finally decide to start the war by bringing Mokhasak spear which is kept by Poramatibodee to this war.Kumphakan comes to Poramatibodee bagging his Mokhasak spear, however, after he lost his kindness and honor, the spear is just turned to without magic. He was told the solutions by setting rite area near by the river and must process the rite in the cleanest environment. If the process was successful, the spear will return to the strongest stage again. Fortunately, King Rama’s soldier informs him about this plan, King Rama commanding his soldier transforming to be rot dogs floating into the river while some will transform to be the crews eating that rot dogs. All those rot dogs and crews cause Kumphakan cannot finish the rite so Lakshmana and the apes army go destroy the rite when Kumphakan is ready to fight back. Accidentally, Lakshmana was hurt by Mokhasak spear and pass out so Kumphakan and the army enter to Lanka empire.

The ape inform King Rama the current situation and invite him to see Lakshmana with full of regrets. The only way to heal is to find Sankaranee tree and Panjamahanatee water but must finish the healing within a night. Hanuman fly to the sky stop the sun from shining but he can’t resist the power of the sun, he dies finally. The sun has seen this weird situation, so revive Hanuman for answering and help him by hiding himself in the cloud. Hanuman finally can bring Sankaranee tree and Panjamahanatee water to heal Lakshmana and return to their pavilion."

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